Monday, March 12, 2012

i'm Backkkkkk

Well, fellow bloggers, it has been almost a year since I have talked to you. I had just gotten into this when I had some health problems. By the time I recovered enough to keep up with everything else and write, too, it was garden time, canning ,etc.
I had just started milking goats when I quit writing to you. I thoughly enjoy milking! It is so rewarding. Due alot, i'm sure, to a very loving and well trained nanny. I can't take one iota of credit for that. Whoever had her first did an excellent job. In my opinion, that will make or break a new milker. If you can take your bucket and sit down and milk while admiring the morning fog across the field or the sunset at evening that will make the rest of the day so much nicer. I, however, will get back to you about that, because this fall my bottle baby I raised last year will need milked! I am more than a little apprehensive about my ability to train her correctly! Any advise will be greatly appreciated.
Canning went well. I tried some new receipes( baked beans and chili). I love to go to the closet and freezer and fix a meal that does not take a lot of time or money. Mind you, I like spending money and try to keep mine circulating to avoid a depression, i just like to pick what I spend it on.
I will try to update pictures! Must fix breakfast now.

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